You Were Whole All Along!

“You were whole all along
How could you be not?
You are nothing but love.
You just simply forgot.”*

At the moment you arrived into this world, you were whole. So much so, you had to expel fluid from your lungs just to take your first breath.

You were whole. Take a moment and let that sink in.

Here’s a Wholeness Exercise to help you recreate the experience.

1. Close your eyes and relax.
2. Imagine you are taking your very first breath.
3. As you inhale, say to yourself, “I am.”
4. As you the exhale, say to yourself “whole.”
5. Repeat for as long as you wish.

Having recreated your wholeness, let me ask you this. What has changed since your birth to make you think you are anything but whole? I would argue that nothing has changed accept your awareness of your wholeness.

When you came into this world from the safety and warmth of your mother, you were immediately subjected to an abundant source of new stimuli from the external world. Slowly, as your awareness shifted away from your wholeness to this new stimuli, you began to identify with your experiences of this stimuli rather than your wholeness. Over time, you simply forgot all about the wholeness you possessed.

In your forgetting, a myth was born. That myth was the belief that “something in my life is missing, but I just don’t know what it is. So I will search for it and never stop until I find it.” In your searching, you never thought to look in the most obvious spot, within you. Not looking within, you spend the rest of your life searching for something you have possessed all along.

You can end this myth and your endless searching by the doing the following.

1. Stop searching outside yourself. The moment you do, a shift of awareness will occur.
2. Accept the myth as a myth.
3. Practice the Wholeness Exercise.
3. Create a new truth to replace the old myth. I say new, because the idea may be new to you.

Your New Truth could be something like this.

“Nothing is missing in my life.
I am whole and complete.”


“I need not a thing to make me feel whole,
I am nothing but love, mind, body and soul.”*


“I have not a want, not a wish or a need.
I am nothing but love, in thought, world and deed.”*

These are my truths and I use them in meditation and whenever I feel I am going off course. You are free to use them or create a truth all your own.

Copyright 2008 Rob Gruber Present Life Mastery Coach

*excerpts from my book coming out at the end of the year.

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Create an Echo in Your Youniverse

Get more out of your affirmations with this powerful technique I call affurmations.

An affurmation is an affirmation that is redirected back to you by replacing the “I am” with a “You are.”

By directing your affirmations back to you, you activate another aspect of your being. In essence, you complete the cycle. It can feel as if you are hearing from an outside source.

To Create an Affurmation

1. Create an affirmation just the way you always have, using “I am” and stating what you wish to experience in a present tense as if you are already experiencing it is you wnat.
I am living a life of love!

2. Now, change the “I am” to “You are.”
You are living a life of love!

To Utilize Your New Affurmation

1. State your affurmation to yourself in the mirror.

2. Write down your “You are” affurmation on a piece of paper and place it wherever you will be able to see it.

3. For those who require a little privacy, encode your affurmations by writing down the first letter of each word on a small piece of paper and placing it wherever you feel the need. Post-its work great at the office.

5. If you have a supportive partner or friend, state your “I am” affirmation to them and allow them to confirm it with a “You are” affurmation.
You: I am beautiful!
Them: You are beautiful!

Do this until you believe you feel you have shifted closer toward the fulfillment of your intention.

Some Benefits

1. You will hear your affirmations in a whole other way.

2. You begin to see that which you are affirming in others.

Copyright 2008 Rob Gruber Present Life Mastery Coach

i wish i could tell you

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My Wish is My Command

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein

“To imagine is everything, to know is nothing at all.” – Anatole France

What did these great thinkers discover about the power of imagination? I have a theory, a simple but profound one. I believe they were able to tap into the hidden and powerful nature of the word, imagine.

Did I say hidden?

Yes! Hidden within the word, imagine, right before your eyes, is an affirming and declarative sentence of your ability to create your world.

Breaking the code

Breaking down the word, first visually and then phonetically, you will find its message.

Visually: I – m – a – gi – ne

Phonetically: Im – ah – gee – nee

The Declaration: I am a Genie!

That’s right. “I am a genie!” I did say simple, but I also said profound. The profound part is found in the definition of the word, genie. A genie, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, is “a supernatural creature who does one’s bidding when summoned.”

My argument to you is that you have within you a supernatural being, call it a soul, an authentic self, your higher self or even pure genius that can be summoned to help you create the world you truly desire.

You are a genie! You create your world through your imagination. Your wish is your command.

Awaken the Genie within You!

1. Spend some time each day welcoming your newly found awareness. Say to yourself each day, “I am a Genie. My wish is my command.”

2. As you imagine, call on your Genie to aid you in making powerful and loving wishes.

3. Work with your Genie to determine what wishes are working for you and which aren’t, so that you can wish more wisely next time.

4. Never stop wishing.

A Query

What does your heart truly wish for?

Copyright 2008 Rob Gruber Life Coach

i wish i could tell you

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Become a Modern Day Alchemist

An Alchemist, in ancient times, was a philosopher and metaphysical chemist that sought to transform common metals into gold or create the elusive elixir of life.

While I have yet to transmute any common metals into actual gold or brew the elixir of life, I do consider myself a modern day alchemist and am becoming quite competent in transforming my world.

Here’s a simplified version of The Principles of Modern Day Alchemy.

1. Every thing in the universe contains its opposite, e.g., light and dark or love and hate.

2. The essence of Everything is contained in every Thing, as the poet Blake described seeing “a world in a grain of sand.”

3. You have the ability to choose what you wish to focus on.

4. What you choose to focus on, in your mind, will expand.

5. Once your level of internal focus reaches a critical mass, you will begin to look for and see evidence of it in your outer world.

6. Knowing every thing contains the essence of everything, you will now be able to see that which you are looking for in that which you are looking at.

“The modern day alchemist does not change anything into gold, but rather, sees the gold which is contained in all things.” – gruberism

May you harness these principles to transform your life!

Rob Gruber

Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber Life Coach

i wish i could tell you
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The Secret and Powerful Gift within the Insult or Critique

Recently, an artistic colleague of mine did something quite remarkable and courageous. He had an idea, developed a plan, executed it faithfully and invited the critics. I call this remarkable because rarely do our ideas get past the idea stage, and courageous, because he invited the critics.

I salute him for that. Unfortunately the critics did not.

No, the critics were not kind. The pen was mightier than the sword that day. A sword would have been swifter and less messy.

While it is a shame the critics were so ruthless, there is a powerful lesson to be learned here. That lesson is that there is a gift within each and every insult or critique. That gift is the gift of attention upon you.

When someone critiques you or insults you, from your performance to your hair style, they have just made, in that moment, their entire world about you. You have become their focus. You have become the center of their universe.

To better understand this, I have created “The Time-line of an Insult or Critique.”

1. Somehow you got their attention. (Often unknowingly and unsolicited)
2. You then held their attention.
3. They then decide to formulate a response in their mind about you.
4. They think and rethink about you, refining their response.
5. They often share their thoughts about you with others, further refining their response.
6. They see you and determine whether to actually respond or not.
7. They respond to you.
8. They wait for your reaction.

Knowing what you know now, could you possibly react differently the next time you are insulted by someone that has just made you the center of their universe?

When I’m insulted or criticized in a nonconstructive way, I often smile and reply. “Thank you for noticing.” And do you know what? Most of the time I mean it.

If you liked this blog you may also like Peace of Mind is Closer than You Think and Visually Sculpt the Life You Want.

Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber Life Coach I wish I could tell you

What You Focus on Expands – PART 1

grand canyon rob gruber iwishicouldtellyou

Expansion Theory via Travel Log

5:30 a.m. My cell phone alarm goes off. Despite the early hour, I awake feeling well rested.  (I’ve just spent the last two days living on the south rim of the Grand Canyon with my better-half Kristy and now we’re off to Sedona.)

5:45 a.m. I begin packing up the car under the starry night sky as Kristy checks us out of the Bright Angel Lodge.

6:00 a.m. The sun, eight minutes from rising, slowly brightens the morning sky. I do one last check to see if I’ve dropped anything while packing in the dark.

6:08 a.m. – Sunrise. The first rays of light break over the East Rim. We get into our car, look over our TripTik and begin the second leg of our journey.

6:15 a.m. Following the signs out of the canyon, I slowly turn left onto a one way road. Just then, Kristy yells, “Stop!”

Thinking I took a wrong turn, I stop the car and ask her, “What? What is it?”

With her eyes open as wide as I’ve ever seen them, she says “Look.”

I turn and look but don’t see anything.

“Right there.” She says, “See? a baby deer,” pointing just over the right corner of the car.

I look again and suddenly it appears, like magic, a baby deer standing on the side of the road. It literally appears before my eyes, like one of those three-dimensional objects that are hidden in abstract posters sold at novelty shops. One minute I couldn’t see it and the next minute I could. Maybe because I was too used to looking at road signs, but once I did, it was as clear as day. In that very moment I became acutely aware of what deer look like along the side of the road amongst the tall grass and trees at sunrise.

Kristy, now looking for its mother, taps me and whispers. “Look, there. The mother!”

Now knowing what to look for, I immediately see the mother patiently waiting for her baby to cross the road. Not seeing us as a threat, the baby deer dashes across the road and into a small clearing.

As it stops in the clearing, something even more amazing happens. Kristy and I begin to see deer after deer appear before us. And I do mean appear, as if from out of nowhere. They slowly materialize in front of us.

Now, I do realize that deer just don’t appear and that they must have been there all along, but I also believe that if it wasn’t for our close encounter and intimate connection with this little baby dear, we wouldn’t have had developed the ability to see or focus on the rest of the herd grazing amongst the tall grass and trees.

How did we develop the ability to see the rest of the herd? Through Expansion Theory.

As we focused on this little baby dear, our ability to see similar images increased (or expanded) which allowed us to see the mother and then finally, the herd.


What will you focus on today?

Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber Life Coach i wish i could tell you

Six Degrees of Manifestation or The Six P’s

Six Degrees of Manifestation refers to the fact that you are a mere six degrees or steps away from manifesting anything you want in your life.

The Six Degrees of Manifestation are:

1. Be Present. The first step is to become present once again. Once again? That’s right. When you were a baby you were nothing but present. Somewhere along the way you chose to live a good part of your life in the past and future. You become present again through awareness and the exercises found throughout

2. Pay Attention – Now that you’re present, you need to pay attention to two wonderful things, you and the world around you. Sound’s simple? Think again. That’s a lot of stuff. Here’s the trick. Stay present, observe and listen to your gut. In a present state you are more likely to determine what is best for you and worthy of your attention.

3. Place Your Intention – Placing your intention is when things really get exciting. Placing intention on a thing increases your attention on it and your connection to it. When you place attention you are literally saying “I intend on experiencing ____________.” The more you focus on something the greater the gravitational pull you will have to it and it to you. Some folks call this attraction.

4. Perceive – Once you’ve placed your intention, stay present to all the signs that point you in the right direction. The world is full of signs to guide and inspire you along your path. Signs come in many shapes, sizes and mediums. You never know where the next one will be. Eventually you will see the sign, “Here it is!”

5. Permit – Now that you have followed your heart into the world of possibilities, you must allow yourself or rather give yourself permission to have what you payed attention to, place your intention on and perceived into your world. This is the most challenging part for most people. This is the moment of truth. This is where we find out if what we wanted is what we truly wanted. Well, you’ll never know until you allow it into your life. If it’s not what you want you can always start over and manifest something else. So permit/allow and embrace that which you intended.

6. Participate, Play and Pass it on – Last but not least, experience what you have manifested fully and share it with others.

Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber Life Coach i wish i could tell you

Test Strips 101 – A Present Moment Exercise

This is a snap shot into a process I call TEST STRIPS.

love over fear

Copyright 2007

TEST STRIPS are a quick way to evaluate where you are in the present moment in relation to where you aspire to be.

1.Choose a aspect of your life you wish to focus on and acknowledge its opposite.
2.Place the two opposing ideas across from each other on the strip like the one above.
3. Throughout the week, day or during a particular task ask yourself a question like this. From 10-1, how much ____________(The concept you wish to have) am I experiencing? From that number you will be able to determine where you are in relation to what you wish to create.
4. Decide/Focus on/Intend to move closer to your desired state or experience. (Note: Never focus on where you don’t what to be because what you focus on expands in your life.) Create intentions that state, “I wish to be more/experience more __________, and mantras that declare, “I am _________(that which you aspire to create more of)” and recite in throughout the day.
5. Ask yourself leading questions. What could I do in this moment to become more ___________? What new thoughts could I think to become more________? What thoughts/ideas could I let go of that may be holding me back from attaining more ________?
6. Think and act according to your intention and repeat this exercise regularly.

Here are few of the general concepts that my clients have created.

Wealth Consciousness
/Debt Consciousness

What aspect of your life would you like to work on this week?

Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber Life Coach i wish i could tell you

Live a Catch-and-Release Life!

On a recent trip home to Ohio, I had the rare opportunity to go fishing with five of my nephews, ranging in age from 4 to 10, and my father, who shall remain ageless.

As we pulled up to the pond and parked the car, the boys got out and ran ahead with their gear. I stayed close to my father, reminding him to lift his feet, as we gingerly walked around the edge of the pond to “the spot” where the boys were already casting their reels.

By the time we sat down on the old wooden bench that held more stories than all of us combined, the first fish was caught. It was a beautiful little bluegill, and as gracefully as it was caught is was just as quickly and gently released back into the pond to swim another day.

There was no lull in the catching of fish that day. They made it look so easy. I asked the youngest what his secret was to catching so many fish. I had no idea he was so wise.

He leaned in and whispered to me like a father to a son and said, “First you have to find a good place to fish. Second, use good bait. We use hot dogs. Three, pay attention to your line, when it moves you’ve got a bite. Four, catch the fish and then let it go gently.”

“You mean you never take one home and eat it?” I asked.

He looked at me like I was an idiot and said, “No. This is a catch-and-release pond. We catch them and then release them so that we can fish again tomorrow and tomorrow and the tomorrow after that.”

Catch-and-Release, huh? Sounds like a great idea for fishing and life.

What if you lived a Catch-and-release life?

Catch-and-Release this.

1. “Find a good place” to be you – Everybody has a place in this world. You’ll find that place through trial and error, self-awareness and self-acceptance. Where you currently feel you are at your best, both physically and emotionally, is a good place to start.

2. Use the right bait! – The bait in life is thought/intention. Think powerful and positive thoughts and you will create powerful positive intentions.

3. “Pay Attention to your line” of thought – Stay present and don’t miss a bite/moment. If you’re not getting the bites/results you want, you need to change your thinking.

4. “Catch each present moment and then gently let it go.” – Catch everything that bites and adjust accordingly. Release the good as well as the bad. Don’t worry about releasing the good bites. The good bites will lead you to even better bites.

What do you think?

Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber iwishicouldtellyou i wish i could tell you

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Visually Sculpt the Life You Want

I was recently working with a sculptor that wanted to drastically change how he created his art. No matter how hard he tried, he kept going back to his old way of doing things. During one of our conversations, he mentioned his concern that others would not be able to recognize his new works as his.

I remarked, “I think you might be afraid you won’t able to recognize them as yours.”

He smiled, laughed and said, “Maybe…maybe.”

From that day on, I had him imagine in great detail his art space filled with all the new pieces he had yet to sculpt, the colors, the sizes, the lighting, the lines of the pieces and the people that would come to purchase his work.

A week later he called to say, “I guess I just needed to “see” it with my own eyes in its entirety”

Visualization is a wonderful tool that can…

Open many doors and windows of creativity.
Nurture your budding desires.
Help you develop a knowing it can be done.
“Reinstill” your ability to create your life.

There are numerous books on visualization and numerous ways to visualize.

Here’s one way to visualize:

1) Determine what you wish to be, do, have or create.

2) Find a quiet place to sit or recline, close your eyes and find a comfortable breathing pattern.
3) Imagine each breath out is releasing tension and each breath in is filled with light.
4) Imagine yourself surrounded by light.
5) Now begin to create vibrant, positive and moving images that envelop you. Experience in the great detail what you want.
6) When you feel you have fully experienced what you came to experience allow yourself to be surrounded by light again.
7) Slowly focus back on your breathing, gently open your eyes and begin again to pursue that which you want.

When you can see it in your mind it’s no longer way out there and untouchable. It’s not so intimidating. You’ve been there and done that in your mind. It’s now possible and attainable. You simply have to take the necessary steps toward achieving it. If you’ve creating a compelling enough visualization then it’s just a matter of time.

Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber

Create a Compelling Future!

There are numerous studies that show that goal setting works, but few people actually set goals. Why is this? One response, or excuse, I often get from my clients is that they don’t know where to start.

Today I would like to turn goal setting on its head and start at its very end.

Whether we like to think about it or not, we are all going to die someday – the later the better, of course. Upon our death, someone will write an obituary, a notice of death that will include a biography of your life.

What would your obituary say?

What if you could write your own obituary?

Today, I would like you to do just that and create a probituary. A probituary is an obituary written by you detailing every amazing and significant thing you will have accomplished or experienced in your life.

1) Open your journal and write down at the top of the page. “My current probituary”
2) Write in detail everything you wish to be, do and have before you die in autobiographical form. Describe how you lived, how you loved, how others loved you, the millions of people you positively touched, the family and life you created, the places you visited and the wealth you created. Did you have an estate, a collection of cars or a foundation? Were you an educator, an entrepreneur, an accomplished artist, a philanthropist and/or a loving parent? Did you find a cure for diabetes or cancer? How did you positively change the world? Did you lose that weight, change and/or grow? Did you give up your addictions? This is not a time to be humble, simple or modest. Think big. Dream big. See it. Feel it. Get emotional. Proclaim, exclaim, sing, shout and announce what you have accomplished.
3) Now, write down what others will write about you. Did the president seek you out fro advice or Oprah praise your endeavors? Did your family cherish every moment you were here? Will there be a day set aside to honor the contributions you made to the world? Were loved ones reunited? Write down their testimonials.
4) Make a list of all the things you accomplished in your probitaury.
5) With this compelling list, write down your short and long-range goals. Ask yourself, “What can I do in this moment, this day, this week and this year to fulfill each of these goals?
6) Once a series of action steps are created, stay present and open to the signs that will lead you to the fulfillment of each and every goal. Monitor your progress and always be grateful for each moment given to you to reach your goals.
7) Revisit or recreate your probituary whenever you feel the need.

Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber i wish i could tell you

From Idealist to Idea List Maker…How to live a fuller life!

Stop being an idealist and become an idea list maker!

What’s the difference you ask? Well, a lot!

Aim for perfection.
Rarely achieve the perfection they seek.
Pass up many comparable opportunities.
Wait most of their life for ideal situations.
Never appreciate anything outside their ideal.

Idea List Makers…
Think in concepts.
See endless possibilities.
Embrace new experiences.
Enjoy the process of creating.
Don’t wait around for perfect conditions.
Live fuller and happier lives.

Now, throw out your old ideals and become an idea list maker!

1) Get out your journal or create a new one entitled, “My Idea List Maker,” or better yet, “My Book of Possibilities.”
2) Write down at the top of each page “These are the kinds of things I aspire to be, do, have in my life. ”
3) Write for five to ten minutes in detail.
4) Do this at least once a week.

You can repeat things on your list each week. The goal of the exercise is to help you discover what you truly want while training yourself to keep an open mind.

Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber i wish i could tell you

Instant Karma just add water!

Instant Karma or Present Moment Karma is the understanding that every present moment has a cause and effect all it’s own.

Instant Karma goes like this:

  1. I have a thought. I call this “Precause.” “Precause” generates it’s own effect.
  2. I take action. Action is a cause. Pure cause generates it’s own effect.
  3. A Reaction occurs, which is another cause. This reaction generates it’s own effect.

Here are 2 examples.

The man who steals:

  1. He wants something he doesn’t believe he can acquire on his own. This thought has a negative effect on him, a belief in scarcity perhaps or his ability.
  2. He steals what he wants and confirms his belief that he is unable to have what he wants without stealing. (an effect)
  3. He lives the rest of his life believing he has to steal to get what he wanted.

The man who believes anything is possible:

  1. He wants something he believes he can achieve. This thought has a positive effect on him. A desire, dream or goal is created.
  2. He manifests what he wants on his own accord by taking action toward his goal and accomplishing it.
  3. He lives the rest of his life knowing any and all things all possible.

Think about it.

Loving thoughts are felt before they create loving moments. Anger builds before released. Rage begets more rage. Judgment binds parties to past ideologies. Control stops growth or change. A need to be right is a need to make someone else wrong. Forgiveness frees you. Hope has a future. Joy has no limit. Peace sees clearly.

You create your world anew in each and every moment.

The effect is instantaneous.

The choice is yours.

Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber i wish i could tell you