I Wish You Would Tell Everyone!

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Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber Co-Active Life and Wisdom Coach

iwishicouldtellyou.com i wish i could tell you

An Announcement, An Invitation and A Thank You

Dear Readers,

Thanks to my dear friend Leslie Holt, a gifted graphic design artist and inspirational soul, Yogi Times Magazine has invited me to contribute to their blog. Their mission: “to help build a burning desire in everyone to take action to create a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.”

If you weren’t aware of Yogi Times Magazine and Yogi Times Blog, I invite you to check it out. Here’s a link to my first piece, entitled “Visual Yoga.”

I would like to thank you all for your support, but especially, Leslie Holt, Jessica Krewson, Art Director for Yogi Times, Doug Miller, contributing blogger and Sophie Parienti, Editor-in-Chief.


Rob Gruber

Live a Life of Ease. Choose Your Path of Least Resistance.

When I first moved to New York City, I did what most artists do. I sublet an apartment. In the first three years, I moved a total of 6 times until I found the neighborhood I would eventually call home, Hell’s Kitchen.

The first couple of moves were effortless. I packed up my duffel bag and hopped on the subway. But by the sixth and final move, I had to borrow a buddy’s truck.

When I pulled up to my new place, I was filled with excitement. But by the second climb up the four flights of stairs with my arms full, I began to question if I really needed any of this stuff.

About halfway through the move, a kid that was sitting on the stoop watching me move, spoke up and said. “You know you don’t have to take the stairs, right?”

“How else am I going to get all that stuff up there?” I asked.

“There’s an old elevator way in the back.” He said. “It’s real scary, but it works. My mom won’t let me use it, but the old man on the third floor does when he buys groceries.”

“Really? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I asked.

“I thought you knew, but then I thought maybe you didn’t,” he replied.

Embarrassed but grateful, I thanked the kid, patted him on the back and moved the rest of my stuff into my new place.

The kid was right, that was one scary elevator, and I never used it after that day.

I lived there for three wonderful years. When I did move, I packed up two duffel bags and gave the rest away, making my next move effortless once again.


“You don’t have to take the stairs.” – Gruberism

I believe that many of us take “the stairs of life” when we don’t have to.

What do I mean by “the stairs of life?”

“The stairs of life” is the hard way. The belief that we must toil, suffer and sacrifice to acquire, accomplish and deserve what we want.

I am here to tell you that you don’t have to take the stairs of life. There is an easier way, a path of least resistance that is uniquely yours.

You will begin to realize this once you begin asking yourself this very simple question.
What would be the easiest way for me to accomplish this goal?

Here are a few additional suggestions that may help you along your path.

1. Stay present, focused and positive.
2. Recognize your ability to create a path of least resistance.
3. Consider any and all possibilities, asking “what if” questions.
4. Leverage your strengths, talents and skills.
4. Utilize every aid that becomes available to you.
5. Ask for help, from the universe and others.
6. Continually monitor and adjust your thoughts, emotions and actions toward ease.
7. Be open to adjust or change your path when it no longer serves you.

if you like this blog, you may also like Let Go to Grow.

Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber Life Coach

iwishicouldtellyou.com i wish i could tell you

End Rejection Now!

“Life is a Selection Process, not a Rejection Process.” – Gruberism

When you woke up today, did you think to yourself, “I’m going to reject my way to what I want?” At the restaurant you last ate at, did you purposely reject everything on the menu before you chose what you wanted? Of course not, that’s not what you do.

You, by your very nature, are a selector of things, not a rejecter of things. From the day you were born to the day you die, you will actively select, not reject, those things you believe are best for you.

And while you are out in the world making your selections, the rest of the world is doing the same thing, selecting, not rejecting, things they think will bring them happiness.

With all this selecting going on, where is that stinging rejection? It’s not there, because it never took place. It couldn’t because we were all too busy selecting our next greatest thing.

Then what is that awful feeling we call rejection? It’s your ego, kicking and screaming, wanting to get its own way and feeling threatened when it doesn’t. Your ego wants to have its cake and eat it too by not only controlling your selections but the selections of others.

And while I’ll acknowledge that the ego is only doing what it thinks is best, it doesn’t serve you in this situation. Because the ego can’t control anything outside itself and when it attempts to do so and fails, you experience the pain we call rejection.

To stop the pain of rejection, we must recognize the following:

1.We are, by our very nature, a selector of things not a rejecter of things.
2.Nothing, including you, is ever actively rejected, but rather simply not selected.
3.We can’t control the selections of others.
4. Any need or attempt to control another can lead to great pain.

To stay in a state of natural selection:

1.Celebrate your ability to freely select what you believe is right for you.
2.Allow others to freely select what they believe is right for them.
3.When you feel the ego creeping in, take control of your situation and remind yourself that rejection is only a state of mind, a state you have control over.

Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber Life Coach

iwishicouldtellyou.com i wish i could tell you

If enjoyed this blog you may also enjoy, Achieve Perfection by Redefining Perfect.

For a Lasting Change, Try The 90/90 Principle

If you want lasting change in your life, consider this.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of Psycho Cybernetics , discovered that it takes approximately 21 days of conscious and consistent effort to create a new habit.
While the creation of a new and healthy habit is a good place to start, it may not be enough to keep the old bad habit at bay. According to Michael Lemonick in his July 5th, 2007 TIME cover story “How We Get Addicted” it takes approximately 90 days “for the brain to reset itself and shake off the immediate influence of a drug” habit.

So, if it takes 21 days for the brain to create a new habit but 90 days to lay an old habit to rest, wouldn’t lasting change be more likely if we were to perform our new habit in lieu of an old habit for at least ninety days?

Accepting this argument, I present to you The 90/90 Principle – 90 days of total immersion of a new habit over 90 days of complete abstinence of the old habit.

To master a new habit, you may consider the following.

1. Write down your new habit and refer to it often.
2. Imagine what it will feel like to have mastered this new habit.
3. Post positive reminders throughout your world.
4. Join a support group if one is available or create one of your own.

Do as much of this on a daily basis as you can for at least the next 90 days.

Copyright 2007 Rob Gruber Life Coach

iwishicouldtellyou.com i wish i could tell you